Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Women in Telecommunications - Powerful

Here's a topic i have longed to write about and recently i saw a wonderful piece on Women in Silicon valley in the fortune magazine. It was really inspirational and once again opened my mind to thoughts about women in business and how they work around power and gender issues. Having recently gone through a struggle against these matters, I know that i am not the only women who is forced to confront power and leadership aptitude in the workplace. What really startles me though is how women don't help each other in these situations (although i had a silent guardian angel during this recent experience). Without going into a long song and dance about why this happens, what amazed me about the Fortune article was how these high-powered women from Facebook, Google, Yahoo and Accel, created a network and are supporting each other, whether it is sharing how to manage situations, sharing strategy and work advise, but also communicating their personal challenges, all are married with small children and this is as important in their lives. Once could say they have it all, but we all know balance is the key to enjoying everything you have.

What did I get from this example of women pooling together for their own good and the good of other women in business? Well I have decided that replicating this idea of a social network, both online (with women in other geographies) and social gatherings has to be something worthwhile. So I am inviting women from the mobile, IT and Internet industries to join the club.

I am calling the group PowerWomen Technology! I am planning on building us an assemblage of women who are interested in investing in themselves and each other, that understand good work ethics and developing will and strength to face all obstacles. In addition we could create a directory of women in our industry. Lets see how PowerWomen in Technology can do it!


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